The Lord God of Hosts is neither a Democrat nor a Republican, and neither of these parties nor their leaders represent His Kingdom on Earth.
God is angry that many leaders of the Church intentionally misled His people into believing that Donald Trump is a man of God and, with this lie, have accused God before the world of partnering with evil and darkness. The Lord also holds responsible those leaders of the Church who were silent in the face of this mockery and blasphemy for fear of man and love of money.
Donald Trump is an abomination to God and an enemy of God. Trump mocks and negates the sacrifice and death of the Lord Jesus Christ by bragging that he has never asked for forgiveness and that he has no need to repent because he does nothing wrong. Why, then, did the Son of God die for the sins of men? Is God an unjust Father that He would send His Son to die for a world that did not need to repent? Trump fashions himself a god, and the false leaders and prophets of the Church have delivered to Trump the reverence, praise, worship and adoration of men that is due only to God.
Trump has been used by the devil as a "Trojan horse" to infiltrate the Church and divide its people and the nation. The leaders of the Church made a deal with the devil through Trump to advance their own earthly agendas disguised as the will of God. They purposefully decided to deceive their followers into believing that Donald Trump was chosen by God to advance God's will, while knowing in their hearts that he is an enemy of God. Is the arm of God too short that He should make a deal with the devil to accomplish His will on earth? The wrath of God shall be upon these false leaders and false prophets who have led God's people astray to follow the deception of the devil. God shall expose each of them, one by one, and shall destroy the earthly wealth and kingdoms that they have built for themselves.
The devil is the father of lies, and he has used Donald Trump to lie to and deceive the people of God. While Trump has promised much to the Church for its allegiance, he has only delivered division, chaos and disunity amongst God's people and the nation. Trump has ushered in, and will continue to usher in, dark and evil days for this nation. He will open Hell's floodgate of evil to avenge his defeat, and many of God's people will follow him to their destruction. God will hold the Church responsible for the violence, bloodshed and darkness that will overtake this nation by the workings of the devil through Donald Trump. God will judge and punish all of His people who have sided with this evil and who refuse to repent and seek the face of God.
"He who has ears to hear, let him hear" --Matt: 11:15