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DECEMBER 8, 2020


This Message to the Church was given to the ministry on April 15th, 2020.



The Lord is grieved, wounded and angry about the condition of the world and the Church. 


The Lord is a just God, and, before He judges the world, He must first judge His people. The Church has lost its way. Men have perverted the gospel of Jesus to serve their personal agendas. They teach a false gospel of self and do not preach a gospel of holiness. Sin is coddled in the church, and idolatry of self and things is encouraged and tolerated. The Lord cannot distinguish between a secular concert, entertainment event, and a church service. The Church is the light of the world, and its light has grown dim, and, in some places, dark. How great, then, is the darkness in the world! The Church must first remove the log from its eye before it can address the debris of the world.  


The Church preaches that God is patient and long-suffering. He is. But, there will be a day of judgment, and, on that day, there will be no more patience or long-suffering. God is calling the Church to repentance. He is calling His children to come before Him with open hearts of repentance and to submit to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Truth will search the heart and reveal the areas in which repentance is needed. If the people of God will heed the call of repentance and turn away from their sinful ways, the Lord will hear their prayers and heal their land.


This is a message for the Church of Jesus Christ, not the world.


"He who has ears to hear, let him hear" --Matt: 11:15

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